Turin Meeting

Turin Meeting


March 23rd to 24th, 2017


University of Turin, Italy, 17, via Po/ 8, via Verdi
Find on google maps

Local Organizers:

Massimo Leone and Simona Stano

The MC Meeting Minutes can be found here: CA15101-MCM3 Minutes

The Action meeting in Turin was the second and final one in budget year 1.
It mainly revolved around the research reports (on countries, disciplines, and specific topics) that the network members had written in the months before and that had been internally circulated. The group discussed which future avenues for research the reports identified and how they could form the basis of definitive handbook on conspiracy theories that the Action intends to produce. In addition, plenary discussions revolved around the role of conspiracy theories in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections, medical conspiracy theories, and the chances to dispel them, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the methodologies used by quantitatively and qualitatively working disciplines.



Day 1: Thursday, March 23rd, 2017

9.00 – 9.15        Registration

9.15 – 10.15       MC Meeting and Opening Plenary

10.15 – 10.45     Coffee Break

10.45 – 11.45     Working Group Meetings: Feedback on Reports

11.45 – 1.00       Plenary Roundtable: Lessons from the Trump Election?

Chair: Eirikur Bergman
Anastasiya Astapova
Michael Butter
Todor Hristov

1.00 – 2.00         Lunch/Subcommittee Meetings

2.00 – 3.00         Plenary  Discussion on Reports/Publication Plans

3.00 – 3.30         Coffee Break

3.30 – 4.30          Working Group Meetings: Reading Group Format

WG1: Luc Boltanksi: Mysteries and Conspiracies, ch. 6

WG2: Eirikur Bergman: Nordic Nationalism and Right-Wing Populist Politics, ch.1; Jaron Harambam, “The Truth Is Out There,” ch. 1

WG3: Peter Knight and Michael Butter: “Bridging the Great Divide: Conspiracy Theory Research for the 21st Century;” Charles Pigden: “Conspiracy Theories and the Conventional Wisdom Revisited”


Day 2: Friday, March 24th, 2017

9.15 – 10.30       Plenary Roundtable: The Consequences of Conspiracy Theory: Medicine and Science

Chair: Massimo Leone
Roland Imhoff and Pia Lamberty
Prof. Francesco Barone-Adesi (University of Eastern Piedmont)
Dr. Daniela Ovadia (University of Pavia/Agenzia Zoe)

10.30 – 11.00      Coffee Break

11.00 – 12.30      Working Group Meetings: Research Panels

WG1: In/Visible: Representations of Conspiracy Theories in Visual Culture
Isabel Marcos and Helena Pires
Massimo Leone
Stef Aupers

WG2: Qualitative, Hermeneutical, and Ethnographic Methodologies
Jaron Harambam
Elżbieta Drążkiewicz
Michael Butter
Claus Oberhauser

WG3: Conspiracy Theories between Knowledge and Politics: Causes and Consequences of Conspiratorial Thinking
Jan Willem Prooijen et al., discussing the proposed collaborative grant project

12.30 – 1.30       Lunch/Core Group Meeting

1.30 – 3.00         Plenary Roundtable: Methodologies

Chair: Dana Craciun
Michal Biłewicz
Annika Rabo
Andrew McKenzie-McHarg

3.00 – 3.30        Coffee Break

3.30 – 4.30        Working Group Meetings: Next Steps



