

Empirical studies have shown that it is difficult to reach hardened conspiracy theorists with conclusive counterarguments. It is therefore particularly important to address those who are not yet convinced believers. One of the aims of the Action is to disseminate academic knowledge on conspiracy theories to the general public, and develop recommendations for journalists, policy makers and NGOs dealing with conspiracy theories in different contexts. We have also collected materials for educators that can be used in high schools, university classes and adult education.

Syllabus Collection

The Action has assembled a collection of syllabuses that have been used in university courses in different disciplines. This collection is intended to serve as an inspiration for educators and to provide insight into different approaches to teaching conspiracy theories at university.

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Guide and Recommendations

The Action has produced a short guide to understanding conspiracy theories and offers recommendations on how to deal with them. The guide provides concise answers to questions such as what conspiracy theories are, what distinguishes them from real conspiracies, and what can be done about them.

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Sample Analysis

In cooperation with students of the University of Tübingen, the Action has produced a sample analysis of two sequences from the online documentary Loose Change (2006). The analysis can be used at all educational levels to teach students the skills to analyze conspiracy theories on the Internet and to identify the key strategies and tools that their creators use to disseminate their ideas.

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In response to the increasing spread of conspiracy theories, it is particularly important to address young people and educate them about conspiracy theories, their mechanisms and dangers. This collection of materials is designed to help educators introduce students to the topic of conspiracy theories. It includes various links to debunking websites, simulation games and videos that provide an accessible and comprehensive introduction to the phenomenon.

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