Biljana Gjoneska

Biljana Gjoneska, MD, PhD, is a national representative and research associate from the Academy of Sciences and Arts of North Macedonia. She holds a medical degree from “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje, and a doctoral degree in psychology and social neuroscience “Sapienza” University of Rome.
Her latest research explorations are associated with her PhD thesis (from the area of Neuropolitics), investigating the neurophysiological and behavioral correlates of ideological division and group distinction. Of special interest to COMPACT Action is her recent publication in the Royal Society Open Science, on the decision-making processes that are mediating ingroup/outgroup dis/trust toward a political leader (in two opposing political camps of followers). They may serve as an underlying mechanism for dis/trust in the system and/or its representatives, thus serving as vehicles for the creation/dissemination of conspiracy theories.
Within the framework of COMPACT Action, Dr. Gjoneska is contributing author for the Routledge Handbook of Conspiracy Theories (covering the personality traits of believers in conspiracy theories), as well as three Edited Volumes (covering the conspiracy theories in the regions of former Yugoslavia and Western Balkan from the social psychological perspective).
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