David Harper

David Harper is Reader in Clinical Psychology at the University of East London where he is also Programme Director (Academic) of the Professional Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. He has a longstanding interest in unusual experiences and beliefs in both clinical and non-clinical populations with a focus on the social context of paranoia and conspiratorial belief. He has co-authored/co-edited three books: Deconstructing Psychopathology (Sage, 1995); Psychology, Mental Health & Distress (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013); and Qualitative Research Methods in Mental Health and Psychotherapy: An Introduction for Students and Practitioners (Wiley, 2012). He was also a co-author of two recent reports by the British Psychological Society: Understanding Psychosis and Schizophrenia (2017) and the Power-Threat-Meaning Framework (2018), an attempt to develop a consistently psychological conceptual framework to understand psychological distress and troubling conduct. He is currently editing Beyond ‘Delusion’: Exploring Unusual Beliefs and Experiences (ISPS/Routledge, forthcoming) – a collection of qualitative studies on a range of topics including conspiratorial beliefs.
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