Clare Birchall

Clare Birchall is a Senior Lecturer in Contemporary Culture at King’s College London. She is the author of Knowledge Goes Pop: From Conspiracy Theory to Gossip (Berg, 2006) and co-editor of New Cultural Studies: Adventures in Theory (Edinburgh University Press, 2007). She has also edited special issues of the journals Theory, Culture and Society and Cultural Studies. Her most recent research is concerned with the relationship between secrecy and transparency in the digital age. She is currently working on a short book, The Shareveillant Subject: Between Secrecy and Transparency, for University of Minnesota Press.
Alongside more traditional scholarship, Birchall is involved with a number of digital projects. She is one of the editors for the online journal Culture Machine, an editorial board member and series co-editor for the Open Humanities Press, and part of the team behind the JISC-funded Living Books About Life series.
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