Michał Bilewicz

Michał Bilewicz (Ph.D., University of Warsaw) is an Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Warsaw, Poland, where he chairs the Center for Research on Prejudice. Previously, he was a Fulbright scholar at the New School for Social Research in New York and DAAD post-doctoral fellow at the University of Jena in Germany. His research interests include conspiracy theories, reconciliation processes, dehumanization, prejudice, and collective moral emotions.
His works on conspiracy theories are mostly focusing on psychological and societal antecedents of conspiracy beliefs (deprivation, loss of control, historical victimization) as well as attitudes between conspiracy believers and non-believers. In 2013, he co-edited a special issue of Journal of Social Issues on the consequences of genocide, and the volume The Psychology of Conspiracy (Routledge) in 2015. He co-ordinates the first Polish diagnostic survey on xenophobia – the nationally representative Polish Prejudice Survey (first round in 2009, second in 2013). He presented his reports on anti-Semitism to the Polish Parliament (Ethnic Minorities Commission) and between 2013 and 2016, he served as a consultant to the Polish Ministry of Administration in the Council to Prevent Racism and Xenophobia.
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