Zuzana Panczová

Zuzana Panczová is a research fellow at the Institute of Ethnology at the Slovak Academy of Sciences, where she also received her Ph.D. Her research interests lie in the study of narratives (rumors and conspiracy theories, contemporary legends, folk legends), stereotypes, discourse, and ideology. Currently, she is a member of several research projects including Wartime Slovak State and the Holocaust in the Current Social Discourse (An Ethnological Perspective) and the COST Action CA15101 COMPACT.
She co-authored the monograph (with E. Krekovičová and T. Bužeková) Folklór a komunikácia v procesoch globalizácie. [Folklore and communication in the process of globalization] (2005) and published multiple articles on conspiracy theories including:
“Conspiracy Theories and Their Argumentation Strategies as an Example of Ideological Discourses.” Ethnologia Slovaca et Slavica: zborník Filozofickej fakulty Univerzity Komenského, vol. 37, 2015, pp. 24–40.