Jan Rathje

Jan Rathje is a political scientist, focused on political theory, antisemitism and right-wing extremism. He worked in mobile counselling against right-wing extremism in northern Germany before becoming project lead of “No World Order – Acting against conspiracy ideologies” at Amadeu Antonio Foundation in 2015. The project aims at empowering civil-society actors to counter conspiracy ideologies and antisemitism on- and offline. His research interests are the western far right, conspiracy ideologies, antisemitism and sovereignists in Germany (“Reichsbürger”/Citizens of the Reich) and the USA.
He published several articles and book chapters on conspiracy theories including: “Lügenpresse“ [“Lying Press“]. Handwörterbuch Rechtsextremer Kampfbegriffe, edited by Bente Gießelmann et al., Wochenschau Verlag, 2019, pp. 240-249.
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