Levente Littvay

Levente (Levi) Littvay is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, where he teaches M.A. and Ph.D. courses in applied statistics with a topical emphasis on electoral politics, voting behavior, political psychology, and American politics. Furthermore, he is the recipient of CEU’s Distinguished Teaching Award. He received his M.A. and Ph.D. in Political Science and an M.S. in Survey Research and Methodology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
He has taught numerous research methods workshops and is one of the Academic Conveners of the European Consortium for Political Research Methods Schools. To date, he has secured over half a million EUR in grants to conduct research on survey and quantitative methodology, twin and family studies (as the co-director of the Hungarian Twin Registry), and, most recently, the psychology of radicalism and populism, and has publications in numerous journals, including The Journal of Politics, BMC Medical Research Methodology, and – along with several other medical and social science research journals – in Twin Research and Human Genetics where he is Associate Editor for Social Sciences.
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