Loïc Nicolas

Loïc Nicolas (Ph.D., 2011) is a researcher in Rhetoric and Argumentation at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. He is also associated with the research team PROTAGORAS (IHECS). His work focuses on the practice of political discourse, the history of the art of speech, as well as conspiracy theories from a discursive and persuasive perspective. With Emmanuelle Danblon, he has edited Les Rhétoriques de la conspiration (CNRS Editions, 2010).
His latest articles on the topic are entitled:
“Juifs, jésuites et francs-maçons: la rhétorique au service de la conspiration,” in Diogène.
“Les théories du complot comme miroir du siècle. Entre rhétorique, sociologie et histoire des idées,” in Questions de communication.
His latest publication can be found here.
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