Nahuel Ribke

Nahuel Ribke is a communication and cultural studies scholar at the Tel Aviv University and Seminar Hakibutzim College. He is committed to studying the relationships among media industries, political institutions, and cultural practices. His doctoral thesis examines the emergence and expansion of Globo Television Network during the military regime in Brazil (1964–1985) through the complex dynamics at work in various layers of both TV production work and the regime’s agencies. This complex picture, which underlines the inner logic that underpins various TV genres as well as the impact of the political-social-cultural context at any given time, steers us away from the “conspiracy theories” about the nature of the connection between Globo and the military regime, guiding us instead to look at the gradual process of constructing mutual working patterns, as well as the key junctions at which conflicts and power struggles surfaced.
He is the author of A Genre Approach to Celebrity Politics (Palgrave, 2015) and during the last years has published several academic articles on celebrity politics, global television formats, and transnational activism.
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