Ognjan Denkovski

Ognjan Denkovski is a research assistant and lecturer at the University of Amsterdam, where he obtained his MSc in communication science. His research is focused on the intersection between political communication and computational social science, with special emphasis on the use of text-as-data methods and machine learning for large scale analysis of news and elite rhetoric. In his thesis research (awarded with a grant for theoretically-relevant and digitally innovative work), he examined the possibility for automatically detecting Russian disinformation content in political news in the Balkans. He has contributed towards a publication regarding the links between organized crime and terrorism in the Balkans, a project on political polarization in the Netherlands, and party strategy debates for the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, examining the ideological distances between political parties and their core voters.
In the framework of the COMPACT Action, Mr. Denkovski is participating as one of the co-authors for a Routledge edited volume publication, on the role of conspiracy theories in Western Balkan politics.
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