Peter Knight

Peter Knight is a professor of American Studies at the University of Manchester, UK, where he is currently chair of the department of English Literature, American Studies and Creative Writing. He is the author of Conspiracy Culture: From the Kennedy Assassination to The X-Files (2000) and The Kennedy Assassination (2007), as well as the editor of Conspiracy Nation: The Politics of Paranoia in Postwar America (2002) and Conspiracy Theories in American History: An Encyclopedia (2004, 2 vols.).
He also works on cultural studies of finance. He was one of the curators of the exhibition “Show Me the Money: The Image of Finance, 1700 to the Present,” and has recently published Reading the Market: Genres of Financial Capitalism in Gilded Age America (2016), that includes a chapter on conspiracy theories about the so-called Money Power around the turn of the nineteenth century. He is currently working on a cultural history of financial advice, as well as a study of visual and narrative representations of complex systems, both conspiratorial and financial, for a book tentatively titled “Fictions of Corporate Personality.”
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