Raluca Radu

Raluca Radu is an associate professor at the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies, University of Bucharest, Romania. She is the director of the Journalism Department and teaches public communication ethics and media economy at bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral level.
Dr. Radu is the coordinator of the Romanian branch of the European Journalism Observatory and the editor of the Romanian Journal of Journalism and Communication. She is the author of Cultural Institution in Transition (in Romanian, Nemira, 2011) and the co-author of Media Economics (with Manuela Preoteasa, in Romanian, Polirom, 2012). The textbook Public Communication Ethics she coordinated (in Romanian, Polirom) was launched in 2015.
She has a multidisciplinary research approach, using communication studies, comparative studies, institutionalism, sociology of culture, and behavioral economics to focus on different evolutions in public communication, including public accountability (see Radu, “Sanctioning Journalistic Misconduct: An Application of Cumulative Prospect Theory to Journalistic Self-Regulation Issues.” Journalism, 2015) and the anti-vaccination online discourse (Rational Decision Making, the Anti-Vaccination Movement and Counter Reactions on Social Media, conference paper, ECREA 2016, Prague).
For Dr. Radu’s Google Scholar-profile, please click here.
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