Simona Stano

Simona Stano is a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at the University of Turin (UNITO, Italy) and Visiting Researcher at New York University (NYU, US). She has been awarded a Marie Curie Global Fellowship for a research project (COMFECTION, 2019-2021) on the semiotic analysis of food communication. She also worked as Senior Researcher at the International Semiotics Institute (2015-2018) and as Visiting Researcher at the University of Toronto (2013), the University of Barcelona (2015-2016) and Observatorio de la Alimentación (2015-2016).
Dr. Stano deals mainly with semiotics of culture, food semiotics, body semiotics, and communication studies, and has published several papers, edited volumes (including special issues of top semiotic journals such as Semiotica and Lexia), and monographs (I sensi del cibo, 2018; Eating the Other. Translations of the Culinary Code, 2015) on these topics. She has presented many papers at national and international conferences, also organising and directing a number of scientific events and research projects.
In recent years Dr. Stano has collaborated as lecturer, examiner and supervisor of undergraduate and graduate students with several universities in Italy and abroad. Moreover, she has delivered semiotic and cultural analysis for international agencies and private organisations.
More information can be found here.
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