Todor Hristov

Todor Hristov teaches critical theory and cultural studies at the University of Sofia and sociology at the University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. He has published six books on governmentality, social movements, and cultural studies as well as a number of papers on biopolitics, governmentality, critical political economy, new social movements, sociology of knowledge, and critical theory. Titles of some of his work include “Displaying Justice: Superheroes as a Political Resource” (2015) and “The Truth of Conspiracy Theories” (2012).
He is currently working on two books: a social history of the gluten-free lifestyle as a regime of governing oneself shaped by the contemporary neoliberal concepts of autonomy, security and responsibility; and an account of the political economy of social media, trying to explain the peculiarities of the present-day capitalism by reframing the Marxist concepts of fictive capital, imaginary value, and superfluous labor.
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